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Featured News and Content

Recent significant shifts in the policy environment have included many executive orders and corresponding court actions on issues directly relevant to the choral community: federal funding, diversity, equity, inclusion, gender...
Stangeland Family Youth Choral Academy
SPONSORED STORY FROM A CHORUS AMERICA PARTNER Anton Armstrong, who has directed the St. Olaf Choir for over 30 years, is one of the most in-demand clinicians and guest conductors...
Brand Strategies
We have a logo; is that our brand? How do we know if and when we need a new brand for our chorus? What does that even look like? Here...
Elevate Vocal Arts's Summer Institute
When it comes to the ways choral music has shifted in recent years, the influence of Generation Z (Gen Z) is a hot topic. Choruses need to think outside the...
Photo depicts woman facing away from the camera shaking a man's hand
A quiet (or not so quiet) crisis. A stealth emergency. That piece of business you know you need to take care of but never seem to get around to: What...
photo depicts Robert Istad conducting
The increasing prominence of BIPOC and women composers in concert programming suggests that the choral field at large is making progress in learning about repertoire beyond the traditional male, Western...