Chorus America/ASCAP Award for Adventurous Programming

Chorus America/ASCAP Award for Adventurous Programming

From 1992 to 2020, the Chorus America/ASCAP Award for Adventurous Programming recognized member choruses that demonstrate a commitment to fostering and promoting new music. Chorus America presented this award in partnership with ASCAP, the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers.

Past Awardees

2020Border CrosSing, Tonality, Cantabile Youth Singers of Silicon Valley
2019C4: The Choral Conductor/Composer Collective Coro Allegro Brooklyn Youth Chorus
2018Volti Cantori New York San Francisco Girls Chorus
2017Choral Arts Initiative The Crossing The Esoterics Young Women's Choral Projects of San Francisco
2016Vox Musica Manhattan Choral Ensemble Cincinnati Children's Choir
2015Choral Chameleon San Francisco Choral Artists Portland Symphonic Girlchoir
2014C4: The Choral Composer/Conductor Collective New York Virtuoso Singers Piedmont East Bay Children's Choir
2013Mendelssohn Club of Philadelphia VocalEssence Anima—Young Singers of Greater Chicago
2012San Francisco Choral Artists Santa Fe Women's Ensemble Piedmont East Bay Children's Choir
2011The Crossing International Orange Chorale of San Francisco San Francisco Girls Chorus
2010Cantori New York Los Angeles Master Chorale Young People's Chorus of New York City
2009The Crossing Volti Piedmont East Bay Children's Choir
2008Chanticleer The Esoterics Peninsula Girls Chorus
2007The New York Virtuoso Singers Volti Syracuse Children's Chorus
2006The Esoterics Opus 7 Youth Choral Theater of Chicago
2005VocalEssence Volti Young People's Chorus of New York City
2004Opus 7 San Francisco Girls Chorus South Bend Chamber Singers
2003Los Angeles Master Chorale The Esoterics Peninsula Women's Chorus Portland Symphonic Girlchoir
2002VocalEssence Volti Opus 7 Syracuse Children's Chorus
2001The Choral Arts Society of Washington The Esoterics Los Angeles Chamber Singers and Cappella Anima: Young Singers of Chicago
2000San Francisco Girls Chorus Kansas City Chorale Cantori New York
1999Dale Warland Singers The Dessoff Choirs Peninsula Women's Chorus
1998Indianapolis Children's Choir Volti Camerata Singers
1997VocalEssence Vocal Arts Ensemble of Cincinnati Cantori New York
1996The Dale Warland Singers The Gregg Smith Singers Seattle Pro Musica
1995Los Angeles Master Chorale Cantata Singers Volti (formerly known as San Francisco Chamber Singers)
1994Chanticleer The New York Virtuoso Singers VocalEssence Chautauqua Singers
1993The Dale Warland Singers The Vocal Arts Ensemble of Cincinnati The Cantabile Chamber Chorale The Fairbanks Choral Society
1992Gregg Smith Singers Dale Warland Singers (second place) New York Concert Singers The New York Virtuoso Singers (second place) VocalEssence Alexandria Choral Society Mendelssohn Club of Philadelphia (second place)



Questions? Contact Karyn Castro at 202.331.7577 x250 or