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Exhibitor Information

Get noticed by over 500 choral conductors, administrators, singers, board members, and business members at the professional development and networking event of the year! As a Chorus America exhibitor, your company’s products, services, and solutions will have first-hand exposure to our members.

Exhibitors will be located in the well-placed Pavilion Ballroom of the Hilton Netherland Plaza Hotel to optimize traffic and exposure. This location includes conference registration, is adjacent to the general session ballroom, and is just steps away from the concurrent session rooms. To ensure continuous traffic throughout conference hours, the Exhibit Area will also host daily morning coffees and breaks.

Placement is done on a first-come, first-served basis, with our sponsors always receiving priority. If you are interested in exploring sponsorship benefits and opportunities, please contact Shayla Hines, associate director of development, at

2016 Exhibitor Rates

The exhibit fee includes registration for 2 people, a 6' draped table, and 2 chairs.

Chorus America Member: $550
Chorus America Non-Member: $850 (includes a one-year Business Membership)
Additional Attendee Registration: $285 per person

As an exhibitor, your benefits include:

  • Your logo and link posted on the Conference website prior to and after the Conference.
  • Contact information and a 100-word description of your products and services in the Exhibitor and Sponsor Directory published in the Conference Program Book.
  • Special recognition at the closing plenary session on Saturday morning.
  • Smart hours: Scheduling maximizes interaction time in the Exhibit Area, as well as networking time at the Conference.
  • Full access: Two Conference registrations included in the space fee, letting you take advantage of sessions and concerts of interest.
  • Listing in the fall 2016 issue of The Voice  magazine.
  • Personalized, friendly service from our staff at all times.

This year, exhibitors will register using the provided paper form.  Only 25 exhibit spaces are available, so register today!

Have questions or need assistance? Contact Mike Rowan, communications manager: | 202.331.7577 x251.

Important Forms:
Exhibitor Electricity Order Form 
Shipping Information


Preliminary Exhibit Schedule:

Wednesday, June 15

8:00am-11:30am: Exhibitor setup
11:30am-5:30pm: Exhibit Area open

*In addition, Exhibitors are encouraged to attend the Opening Night Reception at the Conference hotel, 9:00pm-10:30pm, which is a great opportunity to mingle with attendees and tell them about your products and services.

Thursday, June 16

8:00am-5:30pm: Exhibit Area open

Friday, June 17

8:00am-4:30pm: Exhibit Area open
4:30pm-6:00pm: Exhibitor teardown

Saturday, June 18

No exhibit hours