2013 Scholarships

Thanks to a generous anonymous donor, Chorus America will award 10 registration scholarships to first time attendee members or graduate/undergraduate student members. The scholarships cover the cost of registration—up to a $500 value! Qualifying scholarship recipients will also be eligible for $100 in travel assistance. The scholarship does not cover special events with an additional fee.

Scholarship eligibility and application guidelines

To apply for as a student member, you must be a:

  • Basic, student, or sustaining members of Chorus America
  • Full- or part-time graduate or undergraduate students
  • First-time attendee

 To apply as a non- student first-time attendee, you must be a:

  • Basic, student, or sustaining member of Chorus America or a staff or board member of a chorus (organizational) member
  • First-time attendee

 Eligible travel assistance recipients are:

  • Selected to receive a registration scholarship
  • Traveling more than 100 miles to be in Seattle


Chorus America membership is just $35 for students and $85 for a basic individual membership: join now!

Sorry, the application period closed on March 30, 2013.  Questions? Please contact Mitch Menchaca, chief operating officer, at mitch@chorusamerica.org or at 202.331.7577 x240.