Sponsor Opportunities

Chorus America is delighted to hold its Annual Conference in Seattle, June 12 – 15, 2013 at the Red Lion Hotel and other venues. The Conference brings together more than 500 leaders of the choral field for four days of professional development sessions featuring internationally-known speakers, top-notch choral performances, and engaging networking events. This landmark event provides valuable exposure and marketing opportunities for our business partners. Chorus America is pleased to offer the following sponsorship opportunities:

Lead Conference Sponsor - $15,000  SOLD

The Lead Conference Sponsor is key to Chorus America’s efforts to produce an outstanding experience for all attendees and is acknowledged throughout the Conference in marketing materials, on the Chorus America website, and at a variety of Conference events.

Morning Sings - $5,000 for all three  SOLD

Chorus America’s signature Morning Sings are an ever-popular part of our Conference activities. Engaging choral leaders remind us each morning that singing together is the root—and best part—of our profession. The Morning Sing takes place prior to each morning plenary session on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.  Sing leaders to be announced.

Banquet & Live Auction, Friday, June 14 - $5,000  SOLD

An evening of dining and entertainment that will be attended by more than 200 choral leaders, including Chorus America’s major donors, board members, and invited guests. Featuring an awards presentation, special entertainment and a live auction.

Conference App - $3,000 Exclusive or $1,000 shared One sold, two remaining

The Conference App (http://guidebook.com) for smart phones will have the Conference schedule and much of the other information we put in the Conference notebooks. The App gives participants the ability to customize their schedules, link to social media, contribute to a photo gallery, and receive conference messages and updates. AND best of all, it provides places for sponsor banner ads that link to whatever URL you choose to market your company.  

Daily Morning Coffee/Continental Breakfast - $3,000   SOLD

Give the conferees a great start to their day at the conference hotel with complimentary coffee and pastries, offered Thursday, Friday, and Saturday mornings.


Reception in the Exhibit Area - $3,000  

This networking opportunity held in the exhibit area will give additional visibility to our valued exhibitors and business partners. It is the first time that delegates gather socially after the opening plenary session on Wednesday afternoon, the first day of the Conference.

Annual Meeting & Luncheon, Thursday, June 13 - $3,000  SOLD

The Annual Meeting & Luncheon will feature special guest speaker and awards presentations.

Conference Concerts, - $7,000 all three, $2,500 each

The Conference shines a spotlight on the region’s finest choral groups in concerts for Conference attendees. This year’s concerts include:

Wednesday, June 12—Opus 7 and the Northwest Girlchoir

Friday, June 14—Choral Arts and Seattle Pro Musica

Saturday, June 15—Cappella Romana, Elektra Women’s Chorale, Coastal Sound Youth Choir

Plenary Sessions - $2,000 each  

Each day of Conference, Chorus America offers a plenary session featuring a renowned speaker from within and outside the choral field—all delegates attend these sessions. These sessions are often made widely available via video and distributed on Chorus America’s website.

Conducting Masterclass - $2,000

Conference delegates will observe four selected Chorus America Conducting Fellows as they are coached by master conductors (TBD), and working with Seattle’s Esoterics as the workshop chorus. Repertoire will focus on works for chorus with organ, and brass accompaniment.

In-Depth Seminars on Wednesday, June 12­ - $2,000 for all three

Three half-day workshops that typically attract 30-50 participants each: Topics to be determined but examples include repertoire, fundraising, and social media.

Buttonhole Sessions - $2,000 for all

These one-on-one consultations between an attendee and an expert on a variety of topics are a favorite of attendees.  They are held in the mornings at the hotel and at various times throughout the conference. 

Session Tracks - $2,000

Sponsor a group of sessions focusing on a specific topic, such as artistic issues, technology, or children/youth choirs.

Reception for Emerging Leaders - $1,500

An evening cocktail reception at an area restaurant exclusively for the choral field’s next generation of leaders (for those aged 35 and under).


General Sponsorship - $500 each

Become a general Conference sponsor to show your support for Chorus America and gain visibility in the choral field. Check the list of benefits to see how your organization can reach all of the delegates.

Opportunities for In-Kind Support - A few examples:

  • Contributions to online and live auction (hotel stays or other travel, items for musicians, gift certificates, autographed items, etc.)
  • Donor table thank you gift
  • Lanyards, badge holders

Sponsor Benefits

Everything listed in all categories, below plus:

  • Complimentary premium exhibit space in the Conference Exhibit Area
  • Two complimentary Conference registrations
  • Banner with logo displayed at Conference Hotel (in accordance with venue specifications)
  • Complimentary exclusive sponsorship of two Chorus America e-newsletters during the year following the Conference, which reach more than 4,500 choral leaders each ($1,000 value)
  • Complimentary sponsorship of topic area on new Chorus America website for 6 months ($1,000 value)
  • Prominent placement of linked logo/linked text on the Chorus America Conference website


Everything listed all categories below, plus:

  • 2 tickets to the Awards Banquet & Auction
  • Complimentary sponsorship ad on new Chorus America website for 3 months ($500 value)
  • One-time complimentary use of the entire Chorus America mailing list (postal addresses only; list delivered as pre-printed labels) with Conference attendees indicated (approx. $500 value)


Everything listed all categories below, plus:

  • One complimentary standard exhibit space in the Conference Exhibit Area
  • Two complimentary Conference registrations
  • Opportunity to make brief remarks to Chorus America Conference delegates (special arrangements required)
  • Up to three loose inserts in Conference delegate materials


Everything listed all categories below, plus:

  • Poster-size acknowledgment sign at your sponsored Conference event
  • Opportunity to pass out marketing material at your sponsored Conference event
  • Acknowledgment from the stage at a Conference plenary session


  • Invitation to Chairman’s Reception
  • One loose insert for Conference delegate materials
  • Printed acknowledgment in the Conference Sponsor List, provided to all delegates 
  • Printed acknowledgment in the Fall 2013 issue of The Voice magazine
  • Recognition on signage at the Conference
  • Linked logo on Chorus America’s Conference website


For more information about sponsorships contact:

Catherine Dehoney, Chief Development Officer

202.331.7577 x241 | cdehoney@chorusamerica.org